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Making changes


I like predictability. The master's mark is knowing precisely what happens in response to every action. To the point where sometimes it's hard to allow yourself to try something different or new, especially when things are going well. Sometimes success is the worst enemy of creativity. One is reluctant to tinker with a formula which produces the desired result.

But "what if....?" Is a powerful driving force. Allowing yourself to draft on the slipstream of exploration brings you over the border into new country, with its inherent new possibilities.

1. Handedness

One of the foundational ways to bring a fresh perspective to your work , is to change the hand you are working with. Shift the brush or pencil to your non dominant hand and have at it. This kind of switch forces your brain to shift as well.

2. Working medium

Changing the first choice medium can also bring new energy into your work. Each medium has its own strengths and limitations. By changing the medium you may uncover a whole new skill set for yourself.

3. Grounds and Materials

Shifting your work surface can also reveal a new approach. If you always work on canvas, shifting over to wood panels might bring a new attitude to your brush. Collage is a traditional way to modify your working ground. Since each collage is unique, painting over top will always bring something new to your work.

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