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Making it Better


The tools for application and the media you use can either bring your work to a higher level, or impede your progress. Long years of experimentation with various materials and systems have coalesced into a short list of best performers.

1. The Wet Palette

When using acrylics, the paint is dries far too quickly for me. You can spend a LOT of money on a wet palette, which doesn't work any better than this home made version.

Materials :

  • wax paper or palette paper

  • saran wrap

  • paper towel

  • spray bottle

  • large, preferably rectangular, container with lid

Method :

Line container with paper towel. Lay palette paper or wax paper on paper towel. Add paint. Spray periodically with water from your spray bottle, ensuring that the paint stays moist. When you are finished for the time being, cover the box with paper towel, Spray the paper towel with water so that it is damp.

NOTE: be careful to balance weight of the towel on the edges of your container so that doesn't slip off the box and into your paint !!

Optional : Cover with Saran wrap. Use this step if you will be gone for more than 24 hours...

Put on lid.

Additional Idea : For a micro wet palette you can always cover your current palette with damp paper towel and place the entire unit into a plastic bag. Tie off bag to minimize air exposure. This system is harder because I find the paper towel is far more inclined to dip into the paint :( Email me if you have questions or a better system!

Paint and Brushes :

You have most likely heard the advice countless times to buy the best you can afford. Yes, that is almost always the case. The one exception I have found is that the quality of my paint selection varies according to the project at hand. For studies, I tend to use a student grade paint. Something like "Artists' Loft " carried by Michaels' is appropriate. When I am satisfied that I have the right composition and colour balances, then I made a new palette with the higher grade paints. There is always a difference in viscosity and luminosity but over time I have been able to factor in those elements so that there are as few surprises as possible when working on a final piece. The other characteristic of paint to be aware of , is the term " heavy body". These paints are more suited for palette knife work.

Some top Artist quality acrylic paint brands:

1. Golden Artist Acrylics

Golden also has a variety of specialty colours as well which they call " interference" colours. These paints are white based with an iridescent colour shine such as violet, blue or green.

2. Winsor Newton Artist Acrylics

While Winsor Newton is renown for their watercolours, they also produce a brilliant range of quality acrylic paints.

3. Liquitex Artist Acrylics

Liquitex has a wide spectrum of products on the market. If you are interested in exploring , they also carry acrylic inks which can be used for calligraphy, airbrushing or if you are interested in a more"watercolour" effect with your paint

You will be able to maximize your paint by using your wet palette.

Happy painting!

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