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Making with Leftovers: Upcycling


We’re a society that believes in up – up selling, up and at ‘em, even up the creek. But for our all our commitment to refusing and recycling, upcycling doesn’t seem particularly popular.

And when I acknowledge that it took me 2 weeks to upcycle 2 small boxes, it’s not a big intellectual leap to suppose that time could be part of the upcycle issue.

I figure if I can sell a box a week for 1000.00 ea., per year I will be above the poverty level, according to Statistic Canada. So it’s a good thing I upcycle mostly for fun.

I tend towards 2 upcycling approaches:

Decorative painting on an object or

Multimedia collage ( ie mostly papers, washi tape and bling.)

Today I am describing the 2nd approach of multimedia collage.

Items :

Something to upcyle.

ie old boxes, containers, baskets, etc.

( you could also get a canvas and work on that )



Papers :

Scrap book papers , patterned napkins Japanese Papers


Artist Golden , Gold acrylic.

Pencil crayon to make cut marks

Sponge brushes


Bone folder


Washi tape

Start by gessoing your item so that it is a uniform white. This step will give you a “blank canvas” to work upon. Depending on the existing surface under the gesso you may need several coats. Some artists will sand between coats as well.

While ( I hear ;) it is possible to work intuitively, I like to have a plan. I usually decide what my colour scheme will be and have the selected the papers ahead of time.

I am using thin Japanese tissues so I tend to need many coats. And even then, sometimes it is still not enough!! At this point it may be worth considering a final layer of white acrylic.

Use the pencil crayon and trace the required size of paper right against the box.

Cut, apply Modgepodge with the sponge brush and glue onto the item. After it is dried apply a THIN coat of Modgepodge right over the entire item. This will help shield the item from handling and dust.


So why does it take a week? J

I think its because am particularly slow with design. I can’t be thorough and fast so I settle on the former.

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